Monday, May 14, 2012

: Banks Still Threatening Homeowners with Foreclosur

Ads Title*:Banks Still Threatening Homeowners with Foreclosure Even After a Loan Mod
Ads Description*:A family in Port Saint John, Florida stood staring at the terrifying gaping jaws of
foreclosure, but thought they had been saved once a much needed mortgage loan
modification had been approved. Imagine the shock they felt just a year later when
they discovered their lender, Bank of America, was foreclosing on them even though
they hadn't missed a single payment since they had the approved mortgage loan

For a year, Bank of America took their payments, cashed their mortgage checks,
but didn't prefer anything towards their loan. Now Bank of America has started the
foreclosure process, claiming that the Whaley family is over $14,000 behind on their

Sadly, they are not the only ones facing this situation. There have been numerous
complaints from Bank of America customers across the country saying that the
same thing has happened to them just this year.

If you are trying to save your home from being stolen away from a predatory lender
like Bank of America, it is important that you retain the services of a qualified loan
modification attorney to help you fight back. It is also a good idea to have loan
audits, such as a forensic loan audit and a securitization audit performed on your
loan documents from a professional audit company like Tila Solutions.

Not only can Tila Solutions provide loan audits that will help give your loan
modification attorney leverage when it comes to dealing with your lender, but they
can also provide you with a referral to a qualified loan modification attorney in your
area if you are not currently working with one. If you are negotiating with your bank
for a loan mod, don't hesitate to contact Tila Solutions by telephone at (702) 508-
0335. Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at loan modification attorney.
Name:Wendy Gerdis
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