Monday, January 31, 2011

: Banks Sue Each Other over Predatory Loans

Ads Title*:Banks Sue Each Other over Predatory Loans
Ads Description*:As the months pass and more and more homeowners have utilized Forensic Loan Audits to show that they are stuck in Predatory Loans, which they can never hope to repay, the crisis builds and builds for the banks.

One such example of this crisis is a recent lawsuit where the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago sued BofA, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and Wells Fargo for the more than $3.3 billion in residential mortgage backed securities these banks sold them. In short, it seems the big boys lied when they sold predatory loans, claiming they were safe.

It was described best in this recent article from Bloomberg on October 15, 2010:

Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago sued lenders including Bank of America Corp. claiming their failure to disclose relaxed subprime mortgage underwriting standards, led it to unknowingly buy risky mortgage-backed securities.

A little bit later in the article, it states,

"The defendants did not tell the bank the truth about the loans that comprised the mortgage pools," underlying the securities, the Federal Home Loan Bank alleged. While it believed it was acquiring "safe" securities, "in fact the bank purchased a toxic stew of doomed mortgage loans," according to the complaint.

As we have all watched the new round of lies and fraud be revealed in the media, illegal foreclosures, fraudulent loans, homes auctioned despite loan mods "in review", it becomes clear that at long last the bank can no longer try to pretend that their hands are clean and they are the innocent victims in this financial meltdown they created. And though there may be comfort in that, the homeowner is still the innocent victim getting railroaded by the bank.
Unless he chooses to fight back and take a stand against the bank and demand recourse for his predatory loan. Of course, he will have to have the proof that it is a predatory loan, and that is why he needs a forensic loan audit.
The forensic loan audits that Tila Solutions conducts for homeowners have repeatedly shown exactly what this suit strikes at. People were put into loans without proper qualification. In many cases there was no underwriting, or very lax underwriting. The people who were approved for these loans never had a chance of being able to pay them back. This is just one of the many areas that the TILA and RESPA laws are there to prevent.
In September there were more than 100,000 foreclosure filings across the US. For the year, more than half a million foreclosure filings have already occurred. It is now estimated by some that before this mess is finally resolved, there could be millions more in foreclosure.
But, the question in most homeowner's minds is why do the banks feel the need to foreclose at all? The loan modification tool has been made available to lenders and homeowners. Why not use it?
The answer is simple; unless the banks foreclose they cannot recoup their losses through insurance policies. In fact, it is why the Forensic Loan Reviews have saved so many people from foreclosure. A thoroughly done set of forensics on a loan, coupled with expert loan negotiations can bring a foreclosure to an end and finally result in a loan modification because the lenders are at risk of losing their insurance payoff once the forensics are in the file.
Homeowners struggle constantly in trying to determine who to believe: The bank that has them in foreclosure while modifying their loan? Or the private sector company who has the ability to show all the lies from the very onset of that loan and get the bank to modify as a solution to everyone's problems.
The answer is simple: The banks have been revealed to be fraudulent in most aspects of business, so it is safe to operate from the viewpoint that they will not modify your loan, and will complete the foreclosure. Protect yourself and get Tila Solutions to help you.
It is probably time you contacted a Tila Solutions Consultant to get real help. Just remember this: The bank wants your money and your home. Take action and give yourself a fighting chance. Get a Forensic Loan Review and let the people at Tila Solutions to negotiate new terms for you with the bank.
Tila Solutions can be contacted at 702 508 0335. You can find out more about Tila and Forensic Loan Reviews at

Tags : forensic Loan Audits Tila Solutions, Loan Mod, Loan Modification, Forensic Loan Audit, Loan forensics, Foreclosure, stop foreclosure, predatory loans, Fraud, subprime loans, toxic loans, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, TILA, RESPA
Name:Caroline TAylor
Phone Number / Email:702 508 0335

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Friday, January 28, 2011

: Congress’s Future Plans Speaks Volumes of the Fo

Ads Title*:Congress's Future Plans Speaks Volumes of the Foreclosure Crisis
Ads Description*:By Melanie Atherton

Congress has been working on new legislation that is designed to overhaul current financial regulations. This legislation points fingers in key critical areas across the nation's economy. Important for homeowners is Congress's plans to form a new agency to crack down on deceptive mortgages and other financial products in the future. It also aims to better protect consumers, tighten the reins on financial institutions and stop rewarding executives for taking reckless risks to fatten their quarterly earnings and bonuses.

However, while this legislation is looking to the future to prevent another financial collapse and stop deceptive practices, the homeowner is not protected from the banks right now. Every day, the banks are misleading people who are in foreclosure with false promises of loan mods. This is why more and more, homeowners are taking matters into their own hands. They are coming to companies like Tila Solutions who provide complete forensic loan audits and use the results to get the banks to finally approve the loan modification.

One by one, American homeowners have fallen prey to the banks that originally mislead them with their deceptive lending practices, despite the laws that protected the borrowers. Let's not lose sight of the fact that the banks simply chose not to follow those laws. If they had, we wouldn't be a nation in foreclosure today. It becomes clear that Congress knows the problems exist otherwise they wouldn't be forming a new agency to prevent future deceptive mortgage practices. But what does the homeowner who is losing his home do now? Most just lose their homes. But they do not have to. The laws that should have protected them when the lenders issued the loan can still protect them now –if the homeowner will reach out to use those laws. Forensic loan audits will reveal what the bank did wrong and open the doors to stopping foreclosure, and finalizing a loan mod.

So why is Congress turning a blind eye to the banks as they currently lie to and mislead the homeowners? Most often done by offering loan mods to them while foreclosing on those very people they said qualified? And why are the banks continuing to turn people down in record numbers?

Could there be any truth to the concerns that many people have expressed? Tila Solutions has received thousands of calls. The homeowner believed the bank's "offers of help." They believed it when the lender said they did not have to address the foreclosure process –that it was just a formality or a way for the lender to stay on top of the file. They believed their lender when he said that they could work directly with the lender and get the loan modified –which would automatically bring the foreclosure to a stop. Sadly, far too many of them found that actually yes, the foreclosure did stop: when the lender auctioned off their home.

What would have happened if a homeowner had known that his lender deceived him with the original loan? Would have been so likely to blindly trust that the lender really wasn't going to auction off his home (even though the lender's attorney firm provided him with an auction date) and was going to give him a loan mod? Probably not. Do you think the homeowner would have had the courage and wisdom to get his loan investigated?

Many homeowners are doing just that now. The attitude today is to stop trusting the bank. And it comes as no surprise: Countless forensics audits have been done, and consistently they reveal the same thing: Banks ignored the laws: the violations are found in the loan. Foreclosure doesn't have to end in a disqualification for loan mod and an auction date. In fact, with the use of Forensic Loan Audits, homeowners are saving their homes? The lender stopped foreclosure because he actually took the homeowner seriously and got him the loan mod.

Forensic Loan Audits has been the only thing consistently saving more homes than any other approach. When homeowners get a forensic loan audit done all the TILA, RESPA, HOEPA and ECOA violations are found and revealed. Fraud is also found in 79% of the loans that forensics are conducted on. When people contact Tila Solutions, they get not only a forensic loan audit, but also a free negotiations service. A Tila negotiator provides the results of that audit to the lender and real negotiations get underway. More homes have been saved from foreclosure with the use of a forensic loan audit than any other way currently known. The laws that prevented deceptive lending practices do exist. They existed at the time the bankers went on a free-for-all, carelessly lending money and misleading homeowners. There is no need to be in foreclosure, The federal laws can help you.

Tila Consultants help countless homeowners each month, determining if there is any way that the federal laws which currently do exist can help bring an end to the current deceptive practices that lenders are involved in. A Tila Solutions Consultant can be found by visiting the website at or by calling 1 – 702 – 508 – 0335.

Tags: foreclosure information, mortgage fraud, short sale foreclosure, Loan modification, foreclosure help, mortgage modifications, foreclosure loan, Stop foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, help loan, loan modifications, foreclosures mortgages, foreclosure defense, tila
Name:Melanie Atherton
Address:Temecula, California
Phone Number / Email:1 – 702 – 508 – 0335.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

: How Can I Stop Foreclosure with a Forensic Loan Au

Ads Title*:How Can I Stop Foreclosure with a Forensic Loan Audit?
Ads Description*:When homeowners get turned down by the bank for a loan modification, a forensic loan audit is the essential tool to use in turning that around. Banks are not and never have been in the business of helping people; they are in the business of making money. The lender sees no good reason to give you a lower payment just because you are experiencing hard times. They are only interested in seeing the loan they gave you "perform" – which equates to monthly payment made on time.

In many cases, when the lender is reviewing your paperwork to see if they will give you a loan mod, calculations will show that they can make more money at less risk if they do not give you a loan modification. That is usually why you find yourself in foreclosure. The Forensic Loan Review is your most essential tool to show that foreclosure is no longer a money-making option for the bank –imagine if there is fraud – now there's some risk to the bank!

A Forensic Loan Review or Forensic Loan Audit, sometimes also called a Mortgage Audit is a complete investigation of the loan that the bank gave you. The audit is done specifically to find all the Federal Laws that the lender violated.

Tila Solutions is an Audit Company that investigates loans. If you have a predatory loan, you will need a Forensic Loan Audit. If you feel that the lenders, withheld information from you, rushed you, mislead you or perhaps gave you a loan that could contain fraud, then you need to get your loan investigated. It gives you ammunition to stop the bank in their predatory servicing practices. It helps you get that loan mod you've been trying so hard to get.

As you may recall, when you signed your loan documents you heard or saw reference to TILA, RESPA, HOEPA and ECOA. Those laws were passed to help prevent you from getting a predatory loan – which is a loan that consumes you financially, and inevitably puts you on the road to foreclosure. These laws are also supposed to ensure that you understand what you are getting before you sign, and give you a choice to back out. Tila Solutions Examiners review all these Federal Laws that protect you as a borrower.

While Tila Examiners are investigating the loan to see if it complies with federal regulating bodi3s and their guidelines as well as TILA, RESPA, HOEPA, and ECOA they are on the lookout for fraud committed by the banks – and their investigations have shown that the banks are guilty of much fraud over the past decade!

Remember this: A performing loan is a loan that has a monthly payment coming in on time every single month. The lender loves that nice profit with hardly any risk. This is all they want, and you will be their valued customer if you do it. If you are not going to give them their money, then the bank will calculate the risk of modifying your loan against other methods of making money. And you will no longer be a valued customer to them!

And that is why you need to get Tila Solutions to perform a forensic loan audit for you. The bank loses much of its firepower against you and no longer has the ability to travel down other money-making avenues if the loan contains federal violations or fraud. Tila Examiners will methodically go through your loan sometimes producing a report numbering in the 40-page range.

Sadly, some people have been told that a Forensic Loan Review will do them no good! This is absolutely false. Once the Forensic Loan Review is done, something effective must be done with it. Because lenders, who often act like they can operate above the law, will tell homeowners it means nothing and that the homeowner just wasted his money! That is why Tila Solutions offers a free service to help negotiate on your behalf once his investigation is completed. The Lenders push borrowers around and mislead them all the time. Borrowers have to remember that it was these people who lied to him in the beginning, and it is these people who are still lying to him today. Tila Solutions Negotiators work on behalf of the homeowner to make sure that you get your loan modification.

There is a homeowner hotline at Tila Solutions that you can call. Their consultants will interview you and help you identify whether or not you have a need to get your loan investigated because of the possibility that you have predatory loan. They can help you determine if your loan is in need of a Forensic Loan Audit.

If you have been turned down for a loan mod then contact a Tila Consultant. If you are nearing or are in foreclosure, a Tila Consultant can help. They can also help people who are current on their loans or those with investment properties. A Forensic Loan Audit helps with commercial loans as well.

You can call a Tila Solutions Consultant at 1 - 7 0 2 - 5 0 8 -0 3 3 5.

Visit to learn more about a Forensic Loan Review and to learn how to take advantage of the free negotiation service offered by Tila Solutions. The Tila Solution website is loaded with information and solutions.

Tags: foreclosure, forensic-loan-audit, loan mod, loan modification, foreclose, foreclosure, Goldman Sachs, Tila Solutions, Tila, loan, audit, fraud, forensic loan audit, forensic audit, subprime, mortgage, predatory loan, mortgage fraud, Loan modificationinformation, short sale, 2 stop foreclosure
Name:Joseph Joseph Vickers
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

: Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gres

Ads Title*:Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Lamongan, Mojokerto dan seluruh Jawa Timur
Ads Description*:Anda ingin beli hidrogel/hydrogel? Kami menyediakan untuk anda. Kami menjual hidrogel ke seluruh Indonesia dengan harga paling terjangkau.
Hidrogel kami juga yang paling baik kualitasnya, tidak luntur, warna berkilauan dan warnanya tahan lama.
Pastikan anda membeli hidrogel dari kami, karena kami memberikan garansi uang kembali jika anda kecewa dengan kualitas barang kami.
Info lebih lanjut, klik :
ym: awalindah
telp/sms : 085853581777

Jual hidrogel, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Lamongan, Mojokerto , hidrogel, ramadhan, Jawa Timur
Name:nur aw
Phone Number / Email:085853581777

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: Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi,

Ads Title*:Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang, Tangerang selatan, Banten, Serang
Ads Description*:Anda ingin beli hidrogel/hydrogel ? Kami menyediakan untuk anda. Kami menjual hidrogel ke seluruh Indonesia dengan harga paling terjangkau.
Hidrogel kami juga yang paling baik kualitasnya, tidak luntur, warna berkilauan dan warnanya tahan lama.
Pastikan anda membeli hidrogel dari kami, karena kami memberikan garansi uang kembali jika anda kecewa dengan kualitas barang kami.
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: Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Yogyakarta, Bantul, Purw

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Ads Description*:Anda ingin beli hidrogel/hydrogel? Kami menyediakan untuk anda. Kami menjual hidrogel ke seluruh Jawa tengah dan Seluruh Indonesia dengan harga paling terjangkau.
Hidrogel kami juga yang paling baik kualitasnya, tidak luntur, warna berkilauan dan warnanya tahan lama.
Pastikan anda membeli hidrogel dari kami, karena kami memberikan garansi uang kembali jika anda kecewa dengan kualitas barang kami.
Info lebih lanjut, klik :
ym: awalindah
telp/sms : 085853581777

Yogyakarta, Bantul, Purwokerto, hydrogel,Semarang, Banyumas,seluruh, Jateng, DIY, hidrogel, Sukoharjo
Name:nur awa
Phone Number / Email:085853581777

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: Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Bali, Kotaraja, Mataram,

Ads Title*:Jual hidrogel/hydrogel di Bali, Kotaraja, Mataram, Denpasar, Buleleng, Bangli, Kuta, Seluruh NTT NTB
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Hidrogel kami juga yang paling baik kualitasnya, tidak luntur, warna berkilauan dan warnanya tahan lama.
Pastikan anda membeli hidrogel dari kami, karena kami memberikan garansi uang kembali jika anda kecewa dengan kualitas barang kami.
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Bogor, Ciamis, Cianjur, Cirebon, hydrogel,Garut, Indramayu,seluruh, jawa barat, hidrogel, hidroponik
Name:nur awal
Phone Number / Email:085853581777

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Monday, January 24, 2011

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: Promoters / Introducers / Advertisers NEEDED Urgen

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Ads Description*:Promoters / Introducers / Advertisers NEEDED Urgently!

With Basic Fix Salary Package!

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

: My Pdf Search

Ads Title*:My Pdf Search
Ads Description*:This site allows you to search the database for the benefit of schools, business, advertising, etc.
to facilitate internet users to be able to quickly finish its work.
Name:Septian Deni
Phone Number / Email:081804775374

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Ads Description*:Mortgage Fraud Examiners, the investigative firm who warned the public about loan modification scams, the "criminal loan modification trap" and the Mortgage Elimination scam is now warning the public of this latest scam.

When the mortgage crisis hit American homeowners full-force, companies offering "foreclosure rescue" and "loan modification" companies sprouted like weeds. Most promised troubled homeowners quick fixes for high fees, and failed to deliver after collecting their money, leaving families poorer and closer to homelessness.

The new flood of loan audit companies is fueled by the spread of loan modification companies in an attempt to side step the upfront fees that the states have prohibited these companies from charging. They're the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing."

Mortgage Fraud Examiners is a project of Lex Consulting, LLC For over 30 years, Lex Consulting has provided litigation support to attorneys, helping them break into new areas of practice, or providing specialized advice for complex cases requiring novel approaches to the law. Due to the recent housing crisis, Mortgage Fraud Examiners, a team of specially trained attorneys, was created to provide borrowers and the legal community with comprehensive assistance to help them keep them in their homes.

Mortgage Fraud Examiners CEO Storm Bradford explains: "Although forensic examinations of mortgage transactions can be of substantial value to a homeowner, regrettably, most companies providing these so-called 'loan audits' are nowhere near qualified to do so. They are performed and sold by persons with no legal training, such as, former real estate agents, mortgage brokers, or loan processors, who input data into some software program. The "audit" is a useless checklist of the documents provided to the "auditor," with no information about the legal implications of the documents. It's that old adage on computer software: 'Garbage-in, garbage-out.' We do our forensic examinations mostly for attorneys and their clients. Knowledgeable attorneys are going to spot a scam 'audit' a lot quicker than a layperson. We have to provide services that withstand the scrutiny and demands of a trained legal eye. You need a specific and unique legal knowledge to do a f! orensic examination of a mortgage transaction; a ten-minute software audit is no substitute for three years of law school. We're legal professionals looking for things that software can't find, besides, we know what to look for!"

"A true forensic examination inspects the homeowners' appraisal, mortgage and supporting documents, in the context of the dealings surrounding the creation of those documents, so legal experts can discover legal defenses a homeowner can use to avoid foreclosure.

Jonathon Moseley, an attorney specializing in foreclosures, employs the services of Mortgage Fraud Examiners explains, "Mortgage Fraud Examiners helps me identify contract defenses, torts, regulatory violations and other types of legal anomalies. The value of a thorough examination of the mortgage transaction is that the examination is done right -- with legal accuracy and depth. Unfortunately, cheap imitators must be avoided. A simplistic, software-based forensic audit by individuals with no legal training defeats the whole purpose: Careful analysis of the whole transaction, to include an analysis of the appraisal is needed to prepare a legal defense. The first step in any contract dispute is to see if the contract is legally valid. Too many lawyers never check whether the mortgage is even legally enforceable before rushing in to tackle a foreclosure. Spending money on one of these so-called forensic audits is entirely wasted because it takes a thinking legal pr! ofessional to find defects in a mortgage transaction."

How does a consumer spot a legitimate loan auditor from an untrained one? "Ask the right questions," Bradford advises. "Ask how they do they conduct the audit- is it software, or are there specifically trained attorneys spending real time examining the documents looking for contract defenses and tortious conduct? If they're not performing a forensic appraisal that should be a clue. We find appraisal fraud in eight out of every ten-mortgage transactions we examine. Be wary of the scammers claiming to be 'Attorney backed,' or they're 'certified loan auditors.' Either legal professionals are performing the examinations, or not, and there is no schooling or certification process to becoming Joe the Auditor. Someone could have been a ditch digger last week and doing 'audits' this week. Be careful with a 100% guarantee. What are they REALLY guaranteeing, what are the loopholes? Homeowners need to be careful.

"There really are many legal options available to homeowners facing foreclosure," Bradford concludes. "But there are no shortcuts to finding them. Every claim has unique facts, every claim has different applicable law, and only a legal professional is going to find the answers to help each individual borrower stay in their home."

Contact: Mortgage Fraud Examiners
Phone: 800-540-EXAM (3926)
Name:Storm Bradford
Address:1818 Library St. Ste 500, Reston, Va.
Phone Number / Email:1-800-540-3926

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Friday, January 21, 2011

: If I Am Not in Foreclosure, Do I Need a Forensic L

Ads Title*:If I Am Not in Foreclosure, Do I Need a Forensic Loan Review?
Ads Description*:A Forensic Loan Audit helps with commercial loans as well as a residential loan. If you have been turned down for a loan mod then contact a Tila Solutions Consultant. You do not have to wait to do an audit as a means to stop foreclosure. Get it before foreclosure even begins! If you are nearing or are in foreclosure, a Tila Consultant can help. They can also help people who are current on their loans or those with investment properties.
Banks operate to make money and they treat you well as long as you are helping them to make money. If you aren't, then you are "not their kind of client". The only relationship you ever will have with the bank is based upon how well you give them the money that you agreed to. The lender does not consider any financial hardship as a good reason to give you a loan modification-mostly they ask for a "hardship letter" to see if you have recovered and thus maybe give them money again. Their only interest is in seeing the loan they gave you resulting in a monthly payment made on time.
When a homeowner is rejected for a loan modification by his lender, a Forensic Loan Review is the critical first step that he or she should take to resolve the situation. A homeowner does not have to wait until he needs to stop foreclosure to get a Loan Audit done. In fact, the wise homeowner does not approach his lender to request a loan mod until he has his forensic loan audit completed.
What is interesting is that a violation-free loan, normally can withstand any hard times you may experience during the life of the loan.
Tila Solutions is an Audit Company that investigates loans. If you have a predatory loan, you will need a Forensic Loan Audit. If you feel that there was any kind of "oddities" or pressuring to get you into that loan, then you should have it audited.
A Mortgage Audit also called a Forensic Loan Review or Forensic Loan Audit is an actual investigation or a detailed examination of the loan that the lender created issued to you. The audit is done to find all the Federal Laws that the banker violated.
There is a large body of laws that were passed to help prevent you from getting a predatory loan – which is a loan that heads you straight to foreclosure. Do you remember the day you got your loan? Do you recall reference to TILA, RESPA, HOEPA and ECOA? These are the laws that guide lenders and ensure they give you a loan that is in your best interest – they help prevent you from getting a predatory loan. They make sure you understand what you are getting before you sign, and give you a choice to rescind. Also, Tila Examiners often find fraud in these loans.
Tila Solutions Examiners will methodically go through your loan and locate all the violations and as you can imagine, your lender then loses much firepower against you! He no longer has the ability to pursue other money-making routes if the loan contains federal violations or fraud.
Once the Forensic Loan Audit is completed, you need somebody on your side who can get something done with it! Some lenders, who often seem to operate above the law, have actually told homeowners that the Forensics will do them no good and that the homeowners just wasted their money! This is completely false. There are thousands of reports of bankers pushing borrowers around and misleading them all over the internet – Tila Negotiators know how to get you the best possible result and avoid all those misconceptions.
Homeowners cannot forget that it was their lenders who lied to them when they gave them the loan, and it is their lenders who are still lying to them. Tila Negotiators work on behalf of the homeowner to make sure that you get your loan modification.
There is a homeowner hotline at Tila Solutions that you can call. Their consultants will interview you and help you identify whether or not you should get your loan investigated. Some reports are saying that as many as 6 million homeowners today have a predatory loan. A Tila Solutions Consultant can help you determine if your loan is in need of a Forensic Loan Audit. They can help you determine if the Forensic Audit may help stop foreclosure, avoid foreclosure or just ensure that you do get that loan mod.
That is why Tila Solutions offers a free service to help negotiate new terms on your behalf you're your investigation is completed.
You can save your home with a Forensic Loan Review! Call a Tila Solutions Consultant at 17025080335. The Tila Solutions website is amassed with information and solutions. Visit for a Forensic Loan Audit and the free negotiation service offered by Tila Solutions.
Tags: Mortgage Audit, Forensic Loan Audit, Stop Foreclosure, Tila Solutions, Tila, Forensic Loan Review, predatory loan, loan mod foreclosure, mortgage fraud, Loan modification, foreclosure information, short sale, 2 stop foreclosure, Fraud, Loan Modification
Name:Henry Jackson
Phone Number / Email:17025080335

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: Do I Need a Forensic Loan Audit to Help Stop Forec

Ads Title*:Do I Need a Forensic Loan Audit to Help Stop Foreclosure?
Ads Description*:A Forensic Loan Review or Forensic Loan Audit, sometimes also called a Mortgage Audit is a thorough investigation of the loan that the bank gave you. This audit is done to locate all the Federal Laws that were violated by your bank when they created the loan they offered to you or your broker for you.

Tila Solutions is an Audit Company. They investigate loans given by the banks to determine if the bank violated any of the federal laws that protect the homeowners. Ultimately, if you have a predatory loan, you will need a Forensic Loan Audit. If you feel that the lenders mislead you, withheld information from you, rushed you, or possibly gave you a loan that could contain fraud then you will want to get your loan investigated.

Tila Solutions Examiners work with the Federal Laws that protect you as a borrower. Probably when you signed your loan documents you heard or saw reference to TILA, RESPA, HOEPA and ECOA. Those laws were passed to help prevent you from getting a loan that you won't be able to pay back, which is often known as a predatory loan. They are also supposed to ensure that you understand the loan.

Tila Examiners also look for fraud and they investigate the loan to see if it complies with other federal regulating bodies and their guidelines. The fraud they look for is fraud committed by the banks – and their investigations have shown that the banks committed much fraud over the past decade!

When homeowners get turned down by the bank for a loan modification, a forensic loan audit is the critical first step to turning that around. Banks are not in the business of helping people; they are in the business of making money. The bank is not interested in giving you a lower payment, because you are experiencing hard times. They are only interested in seeing the loan they gave you "perform".

In many cases the bank calculations will show that they can make more money or experience less risk (or both) if they do not give you a loan modification. Normally that means you will be in foreclosure and losing your home. The Forensic Loan Audit is your most powerful weapon to show that foreclosure is no longer a money-making option for the bank.

A performing loan is a loan that has a monthly payment coming in on time. The bank gets a nice profit for very little risk. This is all they want, and sadly, if you are not going to give them their money, then the bank will calculate the risk of modifying your loan against other methods of making money.

And that is why you need to get Tila Solutions to conduct a full forensic loan audit for you. Simply put the bank loses much of its power and ability to travel down other money-making avenues if the loan contains federal violations of TILA, RESPA, HOEPA, ECOA or if fraud is found when the investigation is done. Tila Examiners will meticulously go through your loan looking for all the federal violations.

This is very important: Once the Forensic Loan Review is completed, something effective must be done with it. Lenders actually tell homeowners it makes no difference (doesn't it remind you of a criminal pointing out that the police won't stop him) but don't believe it for a minute. That is why Tila Solutions offers a free service to help negotiate on your behalf. The Lenders push borrowers around and mislead them all the time. Tila Solutions Negotiators will work on your behalf to make sure that you get your loan modification.

Tila Solutions has a homeowner hotline that you can call. Their consultants can help you identify if you have a predatory loan. They can help you determine if your loan is in need of a Forensic Loan Audit.

You should contact a Tila Consultant if you have been turned down for a loan mod, or if you are nearing or are in foreclosure. Tila Consultants can help people who are current on your loans or those with investment properties. A Forensic Loan Audit helps with these types of loans.

The Tila Solution website is loaded with information – go to to learn more about a Forensic Loan Review and to learn how to take advantage of the free negotiation service offered by Tila Solutions. You can call a Tila Solutions Consultant at 702 – 508 - 0335.

Tags: Forensic Loan Audit, Stop Foreclosure, Tila Solutions, Tila, Forensic Loan Review, Mortgage Audit, predatory loan, Fraud, Loan Modification, loan mod foreclosure, mortgage fraud, Loan modification, foreclosure information, short sale, 2 stop foreclosure
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

: Your Lender is Not Your Friend

Ads Title*:Your Lender is Not Your Friend
Ads Description*:Once you have missed a payment the lender is not your friend. Missed payments equal more money for the lender. The more the lender gets, the happier he is. The best way for the lender to get more money out of you is to increase your monthly payment through accrued interest from late payments or missed payments, late fees and penalties. It is a real money maker for the lender. This has always been a fact and all homeowners know it and accept it.
Where the problem currently lies is that the homeowner has been led to believe by both government campaigns and lender lies that the lender is actually going to help him – the homeowner, who has fallen behind. The lender is not going to help you – unless there's money to be made in it for him. Enough money to make it worth his while – and that means he will actually pretend to help you. In fact, the lender will just string you along with false promises and pretenses for months and months and months, finally you'll end up in foreclosure and possibly lose your home to public auction.
You, the homeowner have always been nothing more than a loan number to the lending institutions. Sadly, that's all you'll ever be. They're not particularly moved by the fact that your child has special needs, or your mother needs extra care. They don't really care that your spouse lost their job, or that the home has been in your family for six generations. In fact they have no interest in any of the aspects of your life. The equation is simple: Your money or your home.
What matters is that your loan number has fallen behind and now you are on the very-profitable-for-the-lender road to foreclosure. Soon they will either get a large, normally uncontested "chunk of change" from you-who-represents-your-loan-number, or they'll get your house – which secures your loan number.
Sure, they have seemingly courteous people on the phone (well some of them do, others use call centers in India or hire brutes to scare, manipulate and threaten you), all who say "stop making your payment and we'll get you a loan mod," or "we can't help you until you are three payments behind," or we have you in the system for a loan mod, now it will take only 4 months to get you a mod (of course it actually turns out to be 13 to 18 months because they are always losing your paperwork).
Why does a process as simple as a loan mod take so long? Because every missed payment is more money for the lender. Did you know that almost half the homeowners manage somehow to cure their default amount to prevent foreclosure from starting? Sure, but they wiped out every financial resource the homeowner had, and once again, he can't make his monthly payment!
The homeowner is back in default and on the road to foreclosure in no time at all. Meanwhile the lender made a nice sum and gets to go for round two. The only route left to save the home is bankruptcy – most homeowners think—so they destroy the rest of their credit and dignity in a last ditch effort to save their home. It bought them a bit of time, but it seems the lender still gets the home in the end.
What started all this? Rather, who started all this? It was the lenders themselves. That's correct, they gave you loans designed to fail. They've made billions of dollars at your expense. That's why it is predatory lending and predatory servicing. Since the day you got your loan you have been preyed upon. You have been told that this is "all your fault," and the government has "tried to comfort you" with promises of help through President Obama's HAMP program. That, of course we all know now, is just a great big joke. Most people only give money to the lender for months on end, while none of it goes to their loan, then they get disapproved and foreclosed upon.
And it seems to so many homeowners that everybody is in on their pain for the lender's gain. Attorney's won't take on the homeowner and fight for him when the lender will pay him well to foreclose. Judges don't really want their courtrooms clogged up with foreclosure cases, so warehouse them through. Lenders 'warn" homeowners not to get professional help, 'cuz, well you know, "the lender will help you for free", yah, sure we all know that lie by now. And saddest of all: politicians are passing laws that prevent homeowners from hiring professionals to help them get their loans modified!
But there is hope, and there is help. Rockingham Associates is there for the homeowner. They conduct forensic loan reviews which reveal all the violations in the loan the lender gave you. They conduct predatory servicing investigations, which reveal all the predatory acts the servicer has committed against you. They use those investigations as the springboard to getting you successful negotiations. Lenders suddenly would rather modify your loan, than deal with investigations.
Homeowners don't have to stand alone, they don't have to be abused and preyed upon. They just need a professional on their side and that would be the good people at Rockingham Associates. Visit their website at to learn more about this company and what they can do for you. They are busy rekindling the American Dream. Their goal is to get you complete financial recovery. Consider contacting one of their representatives to begin to unravel your financial dilemmas.

Tags: lender, late payments, default, homeowners, Foreclosure, Loan Mod, Loan Modification, Predatory Loans, Predatory Lenders, Credit Scores, Foreclosure, predatory foreclosure, bankruptcy, Rockingham Associates, Rockingham, borrowers, HAMP, HAMP Program, Obama Plan, Bankruptcies, Predatory Servicing
Name:Glenn Dickson
Address:California City, USA
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: Will a Forensic Loan Review Truly Help To Stop For

Ads Title*:Will a Forensic Loan Review Truly Help To Stop Foreclosure?
Ads Description*:There is a homeowner hotline at Tila Solutions that you can call. Their consultants will interview you and help you identify whether or not you should get your loan investigated because of the possibility that you are in a predatory loan. They can help you determine if your loan is in need of a Forensic Loan Audit. They can help you determine if the Forensic Audit may help stop a foreclosure.

In many cases, when the lender is reviewing your paperwork to see if they will give you a loan mod, their calculations support that they can make more money at less risk if they do not give you that loan mod. That is normally why foreclosure gets underway. The Forensic Loan Review is your most necessary resource to help stop foreclosure.

When a homeowner is rejected for a loan modification by the lender, a Forensic Loan Audit is the critical first step that he or she should employ to resolve the situation. Banks are not and never have been there to help people; they are money makers- either you make them money or you don't. If you don't, then you are of no interest to them. The lender does not consider hard times as a good reason to give you a loan modification. They are only interested in seeing the loan they gave you produce a monthly payment made on time. And if your loan is a violation-free loan, then normally you should have no trouble doing this, even when you are experiencing some hard times!

Tila Solutions is an Audit Company that investigates loans. If you have a predatory loan, you will need a Forensic Loan Audit. If you feel that there was any kind of "funny business" or pressuring to get you into that loan, then you should have it audited. It helps you get the loan mod.

A Forensic Loan Audit, Forensic Loan Review or Mortgage Audit is a detailed examination or investigation of the loan that the bank gave you. The audit is done to find all the Federal Laws that the banker violated.

Do you remember when you signed your loan documents? Do you recall reference to TILA, RESPA, HOEPA and ECOA? Those laws were passed to help prevent you from getting a predatory loan – which is a loan that puts you on the road to foreclosure. These laws are also supposed to ensure that you understand what you are getting before you sign, and give you a choice to rescind. Tila Examiners review all these Federal Laws that protect you as a borrower.

While Tila Examiners are conducting this investigation of your loan, they are also on the lookout for fraud committed by the banks, and they find plenty of it!

Tila Examiners will methodically go through your loan sometimes producing a report numbering in the 40-page range. As you may have surmised, your lender loses much firepower against you and no longer has the ability to pursue other money-making routes if the loan contains federal violations or fraud.

Do you know that some people have been told that a Forensic Loan Review will do them no good! This is false. But do keep this in mind: once the Forensic Loan Audit is completed, something must be done with it in an effective manner. Because lenders, who often seem to operate above the law, will tell homeowners it means nothing and that the homeowner just wasted his money, some homeowners just shut down, they need somebody on their side who knows what to do with the bank. That is why Tila Solutions offers a free service to help negotiate on your behalf once the investigation is completed. The Lenders push borrowers around and mislead them all the time.

Borrowers have to remember that it was these people who lied to them when the lender gave them the loan, and it is these people who are still lying to them. Tila Negotiators work on behalf of the homeowner to make sure that you get your loan modification.

A Forensic Loan Audit helps with commercial loans as well as a residential loan. If you have been turned down for a loan mod then contact a Tila Solutions Consultant. If you are nearing or are in foreclosure, a Tila Consultant can help. They can also help people who are current on their loans or those with investment properties.

Just remember that the Tila Consultant is on your side. You can call one of the consultants today at 702-508-0335. The Tila Solution website has much valuable information and a variety of solutions. Visit at to learn more about a Forensic Loan Review and to learn how to take advantage of the free negotiation service offered by Tila Solutions.

Tags: Forensic Loan Audit, Stop Foreclosure, Tila Solutions, Tila, Forensic Loan Review, Mortgage Audit, predatory loan, Fraud, Loan Modification, loan mod foreclosure
Name:Karen Myers
Phone Number / Email:702-508-0335

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Monday, January 17, 2011

: Pdf search engine

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Name:Sawmitra SARKAR
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Friday, January 14, 2011

: Homeowners Must Take A Stand With Forensic Audits

Ads Title*:Homeowners Must Take A Stand With Forensic Audits and Assignment Audits
Ads Description*:Last week the several major newspapers released the news that Bank of America was finding "errors" in the paperwork. The Bank claimed that they found maybe 10 to 25 errors in the first 100 files reviewed; of course many are concerned over the bank's inability to say if it was ten or eleven, or twenty-five. This week, despite their admittance of "flawed foreclosures" (that's just a pretty word for predatory foreclosures or fraudulent foreclosures) they announced that their Foreclosure Frenzy will resume at full speed in 23 states (the judicial states) and Bank of America also claimed foreclosure numbers should be around 100,000. GMAC also announced they will resume their foreclosures as well. JP Morgan Chase has remained silent on the subject thus far.

Once again, homeowners are at great risk, only this time it is hoped that homeowners will be wise enough to stand up to the banks and demand that the bank's presumably predatory foreclosure is in fact valid and correct. Although Bank of America is claiming that the problem was truly only a simple matter of "correcting signatures" which could cause the unaware homeowner to think there is nothing left that he can do to fight the foreclosure process, this is (as usual) false information from the Banks. A quick review reminds us that today thousands of homeowners already know this, which is why they come to Tila Solutions to get Forensic Loan Audits and Assignment Audits.

By this time, most homeowners no longer believe that what the banks say or do is truthful or valid information. They have seen the banks issue fraudulent loans, they have heard the false promises of loan mods that never happen, they have seen the nationwide scandal of illegal foreclosures, and they have heard from friends, family, and neighbors the grievous recounting of seized homes for the want of "missed paperwork", the forms the bank claims never arrived even though the homeowner sent them repeatedly. Tila Solutions Consultants receive these cries for help daily. Tila immediately gets these homeowners empowered through forensics and professional services provided by their company, which in turn has saved their homes.

But, what can the homeowner, with all his newly found wisdom do in the light of Foreclosure Fraud and blatant criminality? Unless he does something, sadly, he will lose his home. The government put on a big display of "how awful it all is", but the foreclosures are resuming. The "Banksters" as they are now being called by many, just claim it is their legal right to foreclose. But, these predatory lenders still only have the right to foreclose if the foreclosure is legal and despite the fact that they "fixed" their documents, most of the foreclosures are still not valid or legal. And the reason lies in the famous "where's the note" strategy, and of course the dubious and shysterish acts the predatory lenders are all guilty of when they created MERS and then assigned 64 million loans to it. If your loan has MERS involved, then you need to immediately protect yourself by getting a complete Assignment Audit done. An Assignment Audit will investigate the l! egality of the loan you were issued, then the tracking and assignment of the Title, as well as the Servicing and Pooling Agreements, and finally thus determine who owns the note, or more commonly the total and complete absence of the note. This audit normally shows your predatory lender is still breaking the law when he is trying to foreclose on you. Only the true and valid holder of the true and valid note has the legal right to foreclose on you.

The lender is not going to help you – unless there's money to be made in it for him -enough money to make it worth his while. Right now, that money is found in foreclosures. Once you get a complete Forensic Loan Audit and Assignment Audit, then you will be able to show the lender he's got no money coming to him by foreclosing on you, so he may as well work with you.

Homeowners don't have to stand alone, against these Banksters, and in fact they shouldn't. Any homeowner can read the reports of abusive and predatory practices by the hundreds on the internet. They know now they need a professional on their side. Tila Solutions has been the icon of strength, wisdom and hope for thousand of homeowners. Visit their website to learn more about this company and what they can do for you. They are busy saving homes. They know the lender lies and deception. They know how to use a forensic loan audit and Assignment Audits to actually stop foreclosures and get you a real loan modification. If you really don't want to lose your home, just call them. They can be reached at (702) 508-0335.

TAGS: foreclose lender, homeowners, Foreclosure, Loan Mod, Loan Modification, Predatory Loans, Predatory Lenders, predatory foreclosure, fraudulent foreclosure, Foreclosure Fraud, Bank of America, GMAC, Chase stalled foreclosures, forensics, forensic loan audit, Banksters, Assignment audit, Tila solutions,Consultants, MERS
Name:Sean Hansen
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

: Baru!! Rahasia Ngepet Online

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

: How Can You Tell If You Have a Predatory Loan?

Ads Title*:How Can You Tell If You Have a Predatory Loan?
Ads Description*:<p>Tila Solutions Consultants are contacted every hour of every day by homeowners who are trying to understand what a predatory loan is and to determine if their loan is a predatory loan. They feel the need to make sense out of their downward spiraling financial situations that seems to be far beyond any ordinary financial struggles. </p>
<p>They know things are not right. They know their mortgage seems to be too high, but they don't know if they are the owners of a predatory loan. Knowing if your loan is predatory is a critical first step to being able to gain a foothold over your lender and get real solutions such as a real loan mod.</p>
<p>The best description of a predatory loan is that it is a loan that puts you on the road to foreclosure the moment you signed the documents. You were destined to fail - and sadly the bank knew it, but gave it to you anyway. It is one of the reasons that homeowners feel so betrayed by the banks today. It is one of the key reasons why they feel so untrusting and uncertain of which way to turn. They feel let down and lied to, and now made to suffer for it. When they failed, the government didn't bail them out, but instead told the banks to while the homeowner footed the bill. But, the government provided no real oversight to ensure the banks cleaned up the mess they made. The homeowner still finds himself left out in the cold, with nowhere to turn. That is why so many come to Tila Solutions for help. </p>
<p>The best way to try and determine if you may have a predatory loan is to look at your own financial situation. Is the loan wiping you out financially? Are your monthly payments, including taxes and insurance consuming more than 31% to 38% of your net income? If it is then there is a very good chance that you have a predatory loan. Keep in mind this is not the only sign. You have to know all the signs. </p>
<p>What will the loan be doing in the future? Do you have an adjustable rate? Is there a balloon payment? Will the escrows in your area continue to go up, and if so, how long can you survive with your current payment? You can't just look to the current picture.</p>
<p>How high is your interest rate? Were you given a fair and just interest rate, or were you penalized with a higher rate because you were considered too high of a risk? </p>
<p>What happened at the closing? Did you sign the loan you were promised? Were you told that things changed and they couldn't give you the loan you were originally offered after all? Were you out of time and had to take what they gave you?</p>
<p>This is not a complete list of the areas that help you identify whether or not you have a predatory loan. One thing to keep in mind: Most subprime loans are predatory loans. If you were put into a subprime loan, then there's a good chance you have a predatory loan.</p>
<p>Did the broker operate in your best interest or his? You may not know, but a Tila Examiner will find out who financially benefitted from that loan! It is important to understand that there are several layers that have to be peeled back to reveal the true impact of a predatory loan.</p>
<p>Tila Solutions receives countless calls and emails from people who have been led to believe there is no way to save their homes. They call Tila because they need help. Real Help - not false hope. Tila is not a loan mod company, they are an audit company. With their forensic loan audits, they help people save their homes and get the loan mods the banks refused to give previously.</p>
<p>Until Tila Solutions conducts the Forensic Loan Review and finds the crimes that the banker is guilty of the homeowner just gets predatory treatment, lies and betrayal from the bank: The homeowner does not make enough money to pay a smaller monthly payment, so the bank refuses to do the loan modification to give them a smaller monthly payment. Of course, the homeowners lose their home to foreclosure trying to keep up on the higher monthly payment.</p>
<p>And that is why people contact Tila Solutions every hour of every day. They need real help and they get it. Tila Solutions comes on the scene and stops, prevents, or stalls foreclosure by revealing the crimes of the bank. Homeowners walk away with loan mods, not penniless and financially destroyed with no place to live. </p>
<p>TILA, RESPA, HOEPA, ECOA. These are the laws that protect borrowers and prevent them from having their lives destroyed through the predatory loans that were passed out by the banks over the past decade.</p>
<p>A Tila Solutions Consultant is available for people by telephone at <b>702 – 508 – 0335</b>. Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at <b><a href=""></a></b> . Borrowers have so much power and strength when they know their rights and use these laws. Tila Solutions helps them do this. </p>
<p>Tags: Forensic-loan-audit, loan mod, loan modification, foreclose, foreclosure, Goldman Sachs, Tila Solutions, Tila, loan, audit, fraud, forensic loan audit, forensic audit, sub prime, mortgage, predatory loan, mortgage fraud, Loan modification, foreclosure information, short sale, 2 stop foreclosure</p>
Name:Emily Wyatt
Phone Number / Email:702 – 508 – 0335

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Monday, January 10, 2011

: Lenders are Responsible for Predatory Foreclosures

Ads Title*:Lenders are Responsible for Predatory Foreclosures
Ads Description*:Today's predatory lenders are responsible for predatory foreclosures. While the lenders spend month after month pretending to modify your loan, they can and do ramrod foreclosures through at record speeds, and why? Because they don't bother to follow the laws, regulations or guidelines when foreclosing. Predatory lenders passed out predatory loans for more than a decade, now they are actively engaged in predatory foreclosures. <br><br>
As has been made clear by a number of studies, news releases and private sector companies: the American public have been mislead to believe by both government campaigns and lender lies that the lender is actually going to help him – the homeowner, who has fallen behind by giving him a loan mod. Statistics are showing that 80% of the homeowners who try to work directly with the bank to get this "help" are in fact turned down for modification. <br><br>
Over the past several days three of the major banks have released to the news that they have stalled foreclosures. A closer look reveals that the lenders GMAC, Chase, and Bank of America have only stalled foreclosures for an estimated two to four week window in 23 states. The 23 states are those which specifically use the judicial system to get foreclosures completed. This means that if you are in a state that does what is known as a non-judicial foreclosure, such as California, then your foreclosure is not stalled. <br><br>
News reports have revealed that these three lenders were using "Robo-signers" to sign affidavits. <br><br>
At the root of all three announcements are "robo-signers," middle managers who sign affidavits that allow banks to repossess homes that are in default, without properly reviewing the loan documents. One GMAC employee, Jeffrey Stephan, admitted in depositions that he authorized up to 10,000 foreclosures a month without seeing the files associated with them. At Chase, Beth Ann Cottrell, a robo-signer in Ohio, told a lawyer in a sworn deposition that she signed off on about 18,000 foreclosure affidavits and other documents a month without reviewing all the files. -Wall Street Journal, October 2nd, 2010<br><br>
And what can we predict for the homeowners in those 27 other states, where the lenders' actions are not monitored by the courts? Simply put: a free for all. Homeowners please be diligent and most of all. Watch your backs! Don't listen to your lender, don't believe your lender. He has just lost the ability to foreclose in almost half of the US. There is only one thing on his mind: He's got to replace those lost foreclosure revenues, and FAST! <br><br>
As more and more homeowners get forensic loan audits done on the loan they were given by the bank, it becomes painfully clear that the bank violated federal laws when they gave that loan. The American homeowner has been preyed upon by the banking industry for more than a decade. <br><br>
The lender is not going to help you – unless there's money to be made in it for him -enough money to make it worth his while. <br><br>
What is the actual fact of the situation? The banks need to appear profitable. Every year in the banking industry, the fourth quarter is the quarter to clean up the balance sheets. Now one of the best ways to do that is to remove as many non-performing loans from the books as possible. And that is done through foreclosure. The banks can also collect on insurance policies for those bad loans. And that is more money in the coffers. Coming through the fourth quarter in as profitable of a position as possible is the goal of the banker --not modifying your loan. With almost half of his foreclosure market currently gone, he is going to be in full foreclosure frenzy wherever he is not being regulated, restricted, and watched. <br><br>
If you have not gotten yourself any type of professional assistance, now is the time to get it. And if you are not using forensics to show the lender the kind of illegal loan that he wrote for you to sign, then chances are you will become a fourth quarter foreclosure statistic. Arm yourself. Save your home. Don't be mislead. <br><br>
Homeowners don't have to stand alone, they don't have to be abused and preyed upon. They just need a professional on their side and that would be the trained professionals at Tila Solutions. Visit their website <a href=""></a> to learn more about this company and what they can do for you. Or Call a Tila Solutions Consultant at 1 — 7 0 2 -- 5 0 8 – 0 3 3 5. They are busy saving homes. They know the lender lies and deception. They know how to use a forensic loan audit to actually get you a real loan modification. If you really don't want to lose your home, just call them. <br><br>
Key Words: foreclose lender, homeowners, Foreclosure, Loan Mod, Loan Modification, Predatory Loans, Predatory Lenders, predatory foreclosure, Bank of America, GMAC, Chase stalled foreclosures, forensics, forensic loan audit
Name:Jenny Hillman
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