Monday, February 7, 2011

: Tila Solutions Stops Foreclosures with Forensic or

Ads Title*:Tila Solutions Stops Foreclosures with Forensic or Securitization Audits & Expert Negotiations
Ads Description*:According to the research firm RealtyTrac, a record 2.9 million homes fell into foreclosure in 2010, with banks seizing more than 1 million homes. By the end of December, roughly one out of every 500 housing units in the U.S. had received a foreclosure filing. More than 3 million foreclosure notices are expected in 2011. One still hard to find statistic: 80% of the homeowners who do what their bank says and avoid the use of professional companies to assist them are the ones that lost their homes to foreclosures.

These are not the statistics that show the government, with the HAMP Mod Program, or the banks with their in-house loan modifications are serious about giving people modifications, or have any desire to actually stop foreclosures. Nor do they support "going it alone against the bank" if you truly want to stop foreclosure.

In fact in recent months, more and more evidence is surfacing to support the claims that the government is doing nothing to stop foreclosure because they have the misguided belief that accelerating foreclosures will help the recovery of the economy. (Alan Scherber, blog news article of January 28, 2011, Foreclosure Express: Why the Feds Let Banks Get Away with Murder)

As more and more Americans wake up and smell the coffee, they are returning to simple truths that they've known all along: Banks do not help people in need, Banks do not help people with hardships, Banks only lend money to those who don't need it, Banks only lend money to those who are a good risk. Those are the simple truths of Banks. Their assessment of who gets a loan mod follows those hard fast rules of banking.

As for the Government: The government shines on to the American Public, looking for a vote, but complies with the demands of whatever the group with the most money for his campaign lays out. Those are the simple truths of politics. Banks fund politicians well.

Where does this leave the American Homeowner in distress: He will be lied to, mislead, given false promises, and then he will get a foreclosure notice in the mail – normally while still waiting for the loan modification that will never come. He will be told there is no way to stop foreclosure. He will be told in the next call, "not to worry, that foreclosure is just a formality, we are going to stop foreclosure just as soon as we give you this loan mod, and that is still under review." He will be given this line of garbage right up to the time that his home is sold at the sheriff's auction. It is happening right now as you read this to thousands of homeowners. Meanwhile politicians stand by, and claim they are really on the American Homeowners side.

It is for these reasons that homeowners have stopped listening to the banks, to the government, and to all the precautions against getting professionals to help them stop foreclosure and get a loan mod. One of the leading companies today helping homeowners save their homes is Tila Solutions. They first conduct forensic or securitization audits to find out all the wrongdoings of the banks. And then, with a true defense for the homeowner (not "oh he's having hard times", but "look Mr. Banker, you violated TILA, RESPA and committed fraud when you wrote this loan," they negotiate loan modifications for homeowners.

What's astonishing about this company is that they are getting those foreclosures stopped, and they are consistently getting those loan modifications-- often with principal balance reductions.

The company will provide free consultations for homeowners who need to get a loan modification, need to stop foreclosure, or have concerns about their loans. Tila Solutions is able to help homeowners who are current, or in pre-foreclosure as well. Their strength comes from conducting the Forensic Loan Reviews and Securitization Audits before they will attempt to negotiate with the bank.

Tila Solutions looks out for the homeowner. A Tila Solutions Consultant is available for people by telephone at (702) 508-0335. Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at They will help. They are not funded by the governments or the lenders. They are on the homeowners' side.

Key Words: foreclosure, stop foreclosure, loan mod, loan modification, forensic audit, forensic loan reviews securitization audit, Hamp Mod, modifications, sheriff's auction, Tila Solutions, free consultations
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